Our Schedule
Don’t Miss Out
6 PM
Opening Remarks
This is your Schedule Item. Provide details about the event or activity, where it’s located and any other relevant information for your visitors. Add photos to make it shine.
8 PM
Mingling & Munching
This is your Schedule Item. Provide details about the event or activity, where it’s located and any other relevant information for your visitors. Add photos to make it shine.
Our Story
Vishwakarma Goodwill event was organized around the simple idea that when we collaborate together, we’re at our best. We invite you to be your best self; explore, teach, learn, and grow at our event. There’s truly something for everyone to find valuable.
If you’d like to take the opportunity to join us, send in your RSVP today. If you have any questions, simply give us a call, one of our team members would be happy to help.
Vishwakarma Goodwill event
Get Involved
8 PM
Mingling & Munching
This is your Schedule Item. Provide details about the event or activity, where it’s located and any other relevant information for your visitors. Add photos to make it shine.
7 PM
Group Introductions
This is your Schedule Item. Provide details about the event or activity, where it’s located and any other relevant information for your visitors. Add photos to make it shine.
6 PM
Opening Remarks
This is your Schedule Item. Provide details about the event or activity, where it’s located and any other relevant information for your visitors. Add photos to make it shine.
8 PM
Mingling & Munching
This is your Schedule Item. Provide details about the event or activity, where it’s located and any other relevant information for your visitors. Add photos to make it shine.
Charlie McMann
Event Planner
Get in Touch
To learn more, don’t hesitate to get in touch. We would be more than happy to help!
337, chirag Delhi new delhi
8800587753, 9149133382